Learn The Skills To Start Part Time And Grow To Earn Over $1,000,000 Every Year.

This is not for everyone but everyone who has a burning desire to learn it can do it!

What I am sharing with you is a Jackpot of Gold!

All you have to do is study the training, start practicing what is taught and learn from the very best to start building your income to become a millionaire. 

Imagine sitting at your computer for a few hours every morning looking for opportunities to make money and there are many of them to pick from.

You wait for a few proven set ups to appear and take your trades. 

Then you lock in your profits and spend the rest of your day doing anything you want to do.

This is how I make my money and how I spend my days.

You can learn how to do it too.

The greatest mistake I made in trading is underestimating how difficult it would be to learn it on my own after 20 years and not investing in a qualified Mentor early on. It cost me a lot of money and lost time. I wish I could get those years back but I can’t. Many of the paid training services are not worth the money they charge and a few are worth far more than they charge. It was my destiny when I started trading in the year 2000 to invest $2,500 in a service that was not worth anything but to hook me for life on the potential income the stock market could provide. I went alone after that never realizing that there were still very good teachers out there and endured long years of mistakes and failure. 

There are a vast number of teachers today who do not really have what it takes to teach you how to make big money in trading but these are The Real Deals.

There are two steps to making consistent money in the Stock Market. 

*   Find the very best qualified mentor you can find and learn everything that is taught.

** Start practice trading the Futures Market with Topstep Trading who will provide you the opportunity to trade with their capital. They are the best, with the best of everything and a free live trading YouTube channel every day. 

Topstep TV

All your charting needs is provided with each program you start with included in the small monthly fee. There is a practice tab with each program that I highly recommend that you practice on for as long as it takes to prove consitently profitable over a length of time. You will blow up the practice account many times before you are ready and there is no limit on home many times you can reset your practice account. Start with the $50,000 Combine package and commit yourself to the monthly fee. You can start trading with that fee on both the Combine Evaluation and Practice accounts. You will blow up your evaluation accounts many times before becoming profitable but you are learning as you go. When you blow up your evaluation account you can switch to the practice account and practice trade that daily until your evaluation account resets on each monthly rebilling. All you will be investing to learn to become a millionaire is the monthly subscription until you prove you are ready for a funded account to make real money. Once you qualify and pay the one time activation fee there are no more charges and most of the profits you will make from then on are yours. 



My #1 mentor recommendation is Lance Breitstein. He is a personal hero of mine who lost money his first two years with SMB Capital and almost gave up. Starting his fourth year he started becoming consistently profitable and went on to become the #1 Million Dollar a year earner with Trillium Trading. Lance has made over $100,000 and $1,000,000 in a single day. Now he concentrates on his non-profit work and is creating a Master Trading Course that will have everything he has learned in his 10+ years of trading and most of it will be free. 

This video is a must watch for any developing trader and it is free on YouTube.

Just following his advice on this video will make you a millionaire in time. 

You can sign up to be notified when his free Master Training Course will be available at his website. 



My #2 mentor recommendation is Wall Street Global Trading Academy with David Green and Peter Tuchman. These are world famous traders with decades of experience. They have an online course teaching their complete trading strategies for only $499 with financing available. These are the best of the best you can learn from and they have put everything in this course they have. You become a lifetime member of their team when you buy this course and it is the best investment you will every make.

 Wall Street Global Trading Academy


Oliver Velez stands at my #3 spot. He is a teacher who has been trading over 40 years. He has created an original trading style that is very unique and he has traders from all over the world on his team.  His strategies are simple, easy to learn and implement.  He has invested 100% of himself over the years to build a massive library of completely free training videos on YouTube that anyone can learn from. 

I do not recommend Oliver’s funded trader program though. It is way too expensive and he takes way too much of the profits. He will make a lot of money on the most who do not make it and even more on those that do. 

Topstep Trading  is the very best funding partner you can have and TopstepX is the very best trading platform to use. 

Oliver Velez Trading



Specializing in trading the SPY/ES, or NASDAQ/NQ, Futures Contracts makes the most sense for me now. It can be too complicated trying to trade many stocks and it makes sense to become a Master at trading one vehicle alone. A couple of successful trades a day is all you need to become wealthy over time. 

It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that every trade can be wrong at times and do not blindly risk your real money on any trade until you have studied for a length of time and practice traded until you are consistently profitable. There is a huge amount of information to learn if you are new. 

You will need to develop your own habits and that takes time. Most traders start way too early with real money and lose a lot before becoming profitable. With Topstep Trading you have a small monthly fee to trade the Stock Market and can never lose more than that. Consider it a savings account that will return huge amounts of money in time. 

Trading View is the very best source for free charting that is available. I used to be a paid member but now I use it in the free version for all my non Futures charts and use the TopstepX trading platform that includes the TradingView charts with it’s program to trade Futures exclusively. 

Before trading the Stock Market you must decide if you have what it takes to be successful. You must have a resilient spirit that can handle making thousands of mistakes and learning from them. You must be disciplined to practice sound money management and never risk too much on a trade until you are extremely trained and know exactly when to go in heavy on a trade. Many trades will go against you and limiting your losses is the key for long term success.

Send this site to anyone you know who has the burning desire to become a millionaire. You will be blessed if they do it even if you decide not to.

And if you do decide to do this tell the services I have recommended that Master The Dream sent you. 

Shine Bright Star of Heaven!


This is not for everyone but everyone who really wants to learn it can do it.